Month: April 2019


Our 2019 Fundraiser

The ladies of the Loveland Garden Club came together to put on a fantastic evening of delicious food and drink, a fabulous venue, and fun with friends at our Spring Fundraiser. We welcomed husbands, provisional club members and friends to learn a little more about our plans for installing sensory gardens at JP Lord School and Sheltering Tree.  


Conservation Committee visits Omaha Recycling Center

Members of Loveland Garden Club were given the opportunity in April to visit the massive First Star recycling center in Omaha.  An in depth tour included everything from where the recyclable items are dumped, to the conveyer belts that do the initial sorting, and the bales of sorted items ready to be shipped where they will be made into new products.  We were most amazed by the new “orange bag” program, where previously un-recyclable plastics (such as straws, baggies and styrofoam) are turned into energy through the use of energy recovery technologies.